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authz-analyzer supports two types of MongoDB implementations:

  • MongoDB Atlas
  • Standalone MongoDB Cluster

MongoDB Atlas

MongoDB Atlas is a managed MongoDB service. It provides managed clusters and a host of related services. authz-analyzer currently supports scanning of MongoDB cluster permissions. MongoDB Atlas implements a role-based access control (RBAC) model to manage access to data assets.

Atlas has two types of users:

  • Database Users - users that have access to an Atlas-managed MongoDB cluster. Database users may have privileges granted to them or they may be assigned with a built-in or user-defined role. Roles can be organized hierarchically.
  • Organization Users - users that have access to the Atlas console. Organization users are assigned to organization roles which define their permissions and resources like projects and clusters they can access.

Setup Access to Scan a MongoDB Atlas Cluster

To enable universal-data-permissions-scanner to scan the list of users, roles and permissions perform the following steps: 1. Create an organization API Key in the Atlas management console. 2. Grant the Organization Read Only role to the API key you created 3. Copy the Public and Private keys and store them for later use.

To enable universal-data-permissions-scanner to scan the list of databases and collections in a MongoDB cluster perform the following steps: 1. Create a custom role. 2. Grant the listDatabases action to the role. 3. Grant the listCollections action on each database in the cluster to the role. 4. Create a database user and assign it to the custom role you created.

Scanning a MongoDB Atlas Cluster

udps atlas \
    --public_key <PUBLIC KEY> \
    --private_key <PRIVATE KEY> \
    --username <DB USER> \
    --password <DB USER PASSWORD> \
    --cluster_name <CLUSTER> \
    --project <PROJECT>

Standalone MongoDB Cluster

MongoDB implements a role-based access control (RBAC) model to manage access to data assets. Users are assigned with roles which have privileges. Role can be built-it or user-defined, and organized hierarchically. Roles that are assigned to the admin database have access across all databases while roles that are assigned to a specific databases have access only to those databases.

Setup Access to Scan a Standalone MongoDB Cluster

  1. Create a role for universal-data-permissions-scanner using the following command:

            privileges: [
                    resource: {
                        db: "",
                        collection: ""
                    actions: ["listDatabases", "listCollections", "viewRole", "viewUser"]
            roles: []

  2. Create a user for universal-data-permissions-scanner using the following command:

            user: "udps_user",
            roles: ["udps"],
            pwd: "<password>"

Scanning a Standalone MongoDB Cluster

udps mongodb \
    --host <CLUSTER HOSTNAME> \
    --username <USERNAME> \
    --password <PASSWORD>

Known Limitations

The following MongoDB features are not currently supported by universal-data-permissions-scanner:

  • Data API
  • Cloud users
  • LDAP Users
  • Federated users